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Norwegian Cruise hits back at passengers stranded on African island as row heats up

Norwegian Cruise has hit back at a group of passengers lamenting being left stranded on an African island after being refused to board following an excursion.
The company said the group, including six Americans and two Australians, failed to show up at the expected sailing time of 3 p.m. and insisted the ship only followed protocol when it left them on the island of São Tomé.
A spokesperson for the company said: “When they missed the all-aboard time of 3 p.m. by more than an hour, their passports were left with the local port agent for retrieval when they returned to the port from their private tour (not organized by us), per the protocol.”
Norwegian Cruise reiterated that cruise lines have a right to sail regardless of passengers being delayed on excursions or private tours to ensure they respect the ship’s schedule.
Two members of the stranded group, Jay and Jill Campbell of South Carolina, said their guide had caused them to miss the departure slot and failed to return them to the ship on time.
READ MORE: Americans stuck on remote African island after turning up late for Norwegian Dawn cruise
The group had the Coast Guard ferry them to the cruise ship as it was still in sight of the island but the captain denied them boarding.
Speaking to the New York Post, the spokesperson added: “Guests are responsible for ensuring they return to the ship at the published time, which is communicated broadly over the ship’s intercom, in the daily communication and posted just before exiting the vessel.”
But Jill Campbell insisted the cruise captain “followed the rules too rigidly”, saying staff had a “basic duty of care that they had forgotten about.”
Campbell told the Today Show: “I really feel that they forgot they are people working in the hospitality industry and that really the safety and well-being of their customers should be their first priority.”
She also said the company was remiss in assisting them after leaving them stranded because they didn’t secure their money, medicines or other belongings alongside their passports – which were left with port authorities to facilitate their travel to the next port of call or back home.
Campbell said the group included a pregnant woman, a man with a heart condition and a paraplegic.
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Norwegian Cruise hit back: “When the guests did not return to the vessel at the all-aboard time, their passports were delivered to the local port agents to retrieve when they returned to the port.”
The company said they have reached out to the group and are now facing additional questions after the family of a passenger complained about their 80-year-old relative was also left in São Tomé.
Julie Lenkoff suffered a stroke and possible heart attack while on board the cruise ship and staff ensured her transfer to a local clinic on the island.
However, Lenkoff’s family has claimed the cruise liner failed to contact her next of kin and left her alone – until the stranded group found out about her and took care of her.
Son Kurt Gies said: “They’re heroes. They saved our mother.” The Campbells assisted Lenkoff in contacting her family and she has since returned to California, where she remains under constant care.
The eight passengers chased their cruise shop through several countries and finally managed to re-board on April 3 – nearly a week after they were left in São Tomé.
